Monday, February 25, 2013

100 Peninsula Road
Rowlett Texas 57089
The flight was.... not overly enjoyable, but not the worst thing I've ever experienced in my life. I wrote you a letter about it, did you not recieve that yet?  I'm sorry. Today is my first preparation day in Texas, they are on Mondays now. I'm really disapointed that I didn't get to talk to you either, but I guess we had a lot that had to be done. Soon though, soon. :) Tell Caleb congrats on the Baby, and I hope she gets better...
I TOLD YOU RUMPLES SON WAS HENRYS DAD. I didn't follow everything you were saying about the whole killing and stuff, but that's not overly important, I'll figure it out when I get back. :)
Texas is great. MOST of the people are really nice, a lot of the doors we knock on will invite us in and give us food or water and kindly explain that they are not interested in our church but the respect that we are teaching others about Christ and they admire our dedication. There is the occasional, look out the window and then deadbolt the door, or "Mormons hate blacks so you betta run or I'll show you what blacks are good for." and my personal favorite "There's a reason your book is in the cult section of the bookstore." *sigh* The weather is more bi-polar than it is in Utah. It doesn't snow, and it's overall warmer than in Utah, but it will rain for about 10 minutes, then the sun will come out, then it will be windy, then it will get dark, then the sun will come out, then it will rain, then it will rain and be windy... it's just kinda crazy.
There are a few people with mild accents, but over all most people talk the same as they do elsewhere. We are still in a fairly metro area, so the people here have come from all over the place for business. (Nearly all the members have moved here from Utah or Idaho...) I asked if I would ever get to go somewhere where they had the really heavy accents and my Mission President told me no. He said that only really happens in East Texas, which is part of our mission, but Sisters never get sent there. I am in Rowlette right now which is the farthest East that sisters get sent (about a half hour from Dallas). It's likely that I will never go to Arkensas or Oklamohma either. That was kind of disapointing, but it does make sense, as there are only 12(ish?) Sisters serving here out of the 200 missionaries. They want to keep us closer, and safer. :/
My favorite thing about being a missionaryis standing in the cold and wind helping my companion back the car. (Not really, but she told me I had to tell you that...) Oh! I haven't told you about her yet! Ah! I'm running out of time, and here I thought I was pacing myself so well with everything I had to tell you!!! Her name is Sister Hansen, and she has Kromes (or Crones, Chroms, krons IDK how it's spelled...) Disease, and she is allergic to basically everything, but she is amazingly nice. You know the girl cowboy doll from Toy Story 2? (Jessie?) With the red hair, Sister Hansen looks just like her, and her voice is a lot like hers too. She sings EVERYTHING. She's a lot of fun, and she's a great teacher.
She is also totally willing to listen to everything I have to say. The first day we met she said, "You are clearly very in touch with the spirit, so if it tells you anything you have to do, let me know and we will go do it right away." The next day we tested that out, as we were planning, I looked at the map and I got the strongest feeling that we had to go to a certain place that day at 4:30. I told her, at 4:30 we need to be on the conner of Tallowtree and Basswood. So, at 4 we drove over there, and did a bit of Tracting, at 4:30, Hosea came riding by on his bike. We told him about the church and he said: "You know, this morning (while we were planning) I was just saying that I needed a new church because the one I was going to just didn't make sense. Who would have thought I would find servants of God standing out in the cold?" :') It was amazing. He is a wonderful person, and I will have to tell you more about him later. I have 3 minutes left. :P
We live in a private mansion with two cats and a dog. I would send you pics but the computers here also do not have slots for SD cards,. ok bye more next week love you~!!!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

MTC Life

Glad to hear everyone is doing good, I'm doing pretty good too, well, as good as I can do with so little sleep...Concerning my health- I got better, and then I got sick again, (the first day we woke up for early morning excersize I vommitted right after work out, the second day I got a bloody nose... they don't make me do it anymore. haha....) I also had  cold for a couple days, but thanks to dayquil/nightquil, I got better again, so I think I'm good.  We just barely got to go to the provo temple for the first (and only) time this morning. The film was..... well, theatrically I'm assuming it was made in the mid 70's, and it could have been much better (though I was very impressed with the Satan actor... Is that bad? -__-)... spiritually however, it was really fantastic, I wish I could go back, but this is actually the only P-day I will have in the MTC.

Yes! I do have a companion. I think I told you about her in my letter, but I'm not sure, so I'll tell you again, her name is Sister Morley, and she is absolutely fantastic. Seriously, she is a gift from god. The first time I met her I was a little concerned, because we don't have anything in common- she's sportsy and tall and doesn't like nerdy things.... but our differences actually really help out in our teaching- which yes, you do teach investigators in the MTC. The FIRST DAY. Anyway, she was an EMT also, so she's pretty helpful for weakling little me, she often notices that I'm not feeling well even before I do, and she makes me sit and drink a lot of water. She's getting me so healthy for Texas! She's going there too, me and her are the only Sister Missionaries who are going to Dallas English speaking in the MTC right now, which is pretty amazing with how many people there are here.
The day I came to the MTC was the biggest group of incoming missionaries of MTC history. Also, our group was the first group with the shortened MTC time, so we are leaving at the same time as the english speaking missionaries who got here a week before us. :D haha.
My district better than any district (that's even our district theme because we are so awesome... and humble) half of us are going to Dallas (English) and the other half is going to Roseville California (also English). The "districts" are basically just the group of people they put you with for classes... so yeah. Anyway, there's Elders Fulton and Jones who share a table with us and are really obnoxious but really fun and Elder Ramsdell (who gets a package or two plus 3-4 letters everyday) and his companion Elder Bryant who is basically a male me. He watched DW and is majoring in Theater, and you name it- he's just me, so we get along. They are all the ones going to Dallas, so hopefully I'll see them on the feild too.
Tell everyone Hi and tell Kylie to write me because I miss her freaking face (actually, tell everyone that- I've only gotten letters from Rainbow and Lulo)
Tell people not to send me mail after Thursday, because it takes about 2 days to get here and the last day I'll be able to recieve mail is Saturday. If they send something after that, send it to the mission address (and send Dear Elders after Friday to there too, though there is costs $ :|)