Monday, August 5, 2013

6 Months who gets transferred?

It was me. I'm going to Melissa. Which I'm told has the more authentic Texas experience that I was hoping for-- hilbilly country. I'm actually opening the area. Apparently, a while back they had to close the area, and emergency transfer everyone out. I've been told that the Elders "left a mess that only Sisters could clean up." Not sure what that means, but I'll find out tomorrow morning! I have my address already, but I wrote it down on a sticky note.... and long story short, I'll just write you so you know what it is and can update everyone on how to reach me. :)
A member in our ward tried out the Cupcake Recipe as a goodbye gift to me. They were the best. Ever. So good. and we have left over frosting. (yum)
I wish Dad cared about us just a little bit more. He's said one sentence to me my whole mission, and I've been trying to reach out to him.
I just don't understand him.
I'm glad to hear that Desiree is doing good! I love her. :) She really is such a fun girl! And that's pretty sweet of Elise Guzman to send a hello. If you see her again, tell her Hi back for me. :D
How does Holly Bishop have time to make Chocolate Chip Cookies? I don't have time to make Ramen!
The Lord is definately caring for me this week. Everything I have had need of, he's given me, and I've found so may new and wonderful friends, I'm not sure how I am going to be able to leave! I had a list of things I wanted to tell you about, but I cannot remember where I put it. (Probably with my address...) So, I'll probably write another letter or something....
Hmmm. :/ Yeah, I can't think of anything.
Hope things get better for y'all.
Love ya.

<3/ Sis. Sanders

Family Fun

Sorry, short email, not a lot of time. I will write you though, because I have a garlic cupcake recipie for ya'll!!! (whoo- my spies finally got in! ;D)
Yes I DID get the package! It was so much fun, We partyed during our weekly planning. :) I'm glad to hear y'all got to see Bro pace, I have yet to recieve a letter from him. The only surprise from audry's wedding announcement is that it didn't come four months ago. Tell her congrats. I'm excited and nervous for transfers, but it'll be a blast.
LOVE YA'LL LOTSSS!!!~~~ <3 <3 <3

Jogging with Armadillos!!!!

oday was so fantastic that this email deserves it's own subject line rather that just a "re:"
And the subject line is true. This morning we were trudging uphill, exhaustly yet dilligently carrying out our daily morning "jog" when suddenly, Sister C. stops in front of me, I look forward and in the distance, I see what appears to be two giant potatoe bugs with tails. I stare for a moment, and then perk up in realization. ARMADILLOS! Sister C. unfortuatly had lost her glasses, she said "They are really cute blurs..." I was so sad that she didn't get to see them, so hoping not to see them we proceeded at a slightly slower pace (wasn't much slower we could go...) and eventually we got up to wear we had seen them, and they were frolicing around in a spot of grass. I almost died from enjoyment when rather than running away from us one of them sat up on his hind legs and looked at us. He then promptly returned his feet to the ground and came to investigate the two creatures that he was unfamiliar with! I squealed when he was less than a foot from me, and Sister C was pleased when he was close enough that she could see his detail also. We continued jogging (now with a bit of energy), despite my desire to sit down and cuddle him, and he happily decided to jog along with us!!! The other Armadillo crawled off into a hole or something, but this one (whom we named Ador- short for adorable) was incredibly social, and he played with us until we had made our loop and were heading back to our home and he left for his own home.... it was quite honestly one of the happiest moments of my life. :) I was surprised that he actually was social (he was alot like the armadillo on road to el durado.) but, it was a pleasant surprise! I hope we get to see cute little ador again someday.
Glad to hear Grandma's birthday went well. Sister C. was worried that grandma would be offended by the card, (because it's mocking her old age) so I'm glad she enjoyed it! :D
I'm also glad to hear that Jess's date went well and that you are getting things figured out for her. I had more I wanted to say, but I took to much time telling everyone about the armadillos, so sorry.... Oh wait! Two weeks till transfers, I WILL DEFINATELY BE MOVING (where is still a mystery...) so if anyone is going to mail me anything, send it this week, or wait until I can get y'all an updated address... :)
LOVE YOU!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
~Sister Sanders

Mid July

About time you got the package! :D I'm glad Jess liked the red jumpsuit (why no pictures??) I knew she would! (actually, I thought she would abhor it because I thought it was fabulous, and we never like the same clothes.... But I'm glad she does!) That's too bad you don't have said belt anymore.... :/

Jessica is going on her date with Tim? Oh dear, make sure you cover the mirrors before you let that poor, easily-distracted child into the house.
If you have any communication with Grant tell him to write/email me, I'm still worried about him. :|

I didn't know you were making a tshirt quilt. Sounds fun! You'l have to let me know how it turns out. Are your new neighbors LDS? You could invite them to learn about the Gospel! ;D
Steveo's Farewell was today? (erh... yesterday?) Ah, that's so weird and exciting!!! You should get me his address (/email if possible...) too!! :) :)
Yeah, Christopherson is just too long to write out consistantly. I could call her Sister Chris, or Sister Christer, or something if C. is too confusing. :P
Tell Grandma happy birthday. Also, Tell Sasha happy late late birthday too... :|
I'm glad to hear that Kirstin got my letter and it brought her joy. :D
Gee, I don't think anything overly exciting happened this week to tell you about...
My Daniel in the Lion's Den card got stolen.
Mmmm... :/ I got your package. I really enjoyed it. Thanks for including Lulo's thing. and the stamps. I use too many stamps....
UPDATE MAH BLOG. And tell everyone on there to WRITEEE MEEE.
Oh! Kelli got baptized this weekend! It was so touching! She was so happy to see me at her baptism. Apparently the silly Elders didn't tell her I was planning on coming! So it was a great surprize. She insisted that I start emailing her more often too.
And now that i am almost out of time, I remember something that I wanted to talk about.  -___- So, short synapsis, we were having a rough day, again, we got dropped by ALL of our investigators except Megan, who this week decided that she wants to switch over to the YSA, so the YSA missionaries will now be teaching her instead of us. That means we have how many investigators? 0. Yes ZERO. Rough day. But our wonderful Elders who excersize the priesthood righteously gave us both blessings, and although we have yet to find new work, things are going dandy. I love the Elders that serve with us. :) 60 seconds.
Mkkk <3 <3
Love you vye!

*****Sara got transferred today so I will post the address once I have it--- Sara's mom

Belated 4th of July!

Did you notice that I hit 5 months this last week? I'm almost a third of the way through my mission..... Yeah, still not sure how I feel about the whole appartment thing.... :| But whatever, can't live in luxury forever... until I marry a billionare, but that may take some time...
Megan D. (I've been reminded that I am not supposed to use last names online, which is dumb because in real life I'm not supposed to use first names.... *rolls eyes*) Is pretty much the most amazing person ever. She wants to hang out with all the time, and she wants to help with missionary work, and she's asking all of her friends and family to take lessons, and get baptized, and she wants to feed us and drive us places... She's just too darn perfect. However, I found out, she's not the only Upcoming baptism to look forward to! Kelly M.  who I taught in the 2nd Ward, back when it was part of my area is getting baptised this Weekend!!!!! and Brother S.  is get baptized the first week of August! Elder Sorenson (I can use missionaries last names... I think...), who took over the 2nd ward is a really great missionary. His current companion- Elder Berentzen- is a dork, but I guess he's not too bad, because he's taking care of my people. AND, Elder Berentzen has a bad habbit of leaving their phone on the counter when we do service, so I've gotten revenge on them TWICE this week. 1:05 AM cat-call alarms, for the win.
We plan on setting a few more baptismal dates this week, so pray for us on that. I did memorize Alma 29:10, thanks! This week I think I'm going to work on Titus 2:11-12.
Maggie is finally 16??? That's so great! 
My fourth of July was AMAZING~~~ can't even express it! We had so many miracles, I had to put an extra sticky note in my planner to have room for them all (Every night we write the miracles we saw in our planner) I don't think I have enough time to explain all of them in detail, so I'll come back to this topic if I can...
We haven't had any storms for a while, but the tempurature has been pretty nice. In the low 80's all week. PERFECT for the 4th BTW. That's awesome that Jacob applied for a job! I hope he gets it!!! Did you get any pictures of Eliza's baby? How is she doing? Does she have an address? 
Thanks for the updates, hopefully we won't have to dip into personal funds for food too much this month (but with moving into an appartment we are now going to have to buy our own TP and laundry soap, and things like that.... so... ha. Pray for us? :P)
 Recently it's been emphazied the importance of communicating with family and encouraging them to choose the right. I've tried emailing Dad... no response. 
I have about a hundred more things I want to say, but I am almost out of time. I'm glad to hear Starla is continuing to go to church. Send her my love. :) Exciting new calling! Tell the fam I love them (extended, since you mentioned them.) I will pray for Lydia and Calebs baby (what's her name???)
Love you all a ton!!!! I would have Sister C. Hug me, but she's a germaphobe and despised physical contact with other living beings. So I'll just imagine a hug from you.
~Sister Sanders


I think there are a couple of people taking pictures now, but I just jumped in front of everyone who was holding a camera. ;) Sister C. is a lot of fun. She's a germaphobic, OCD, perfectionist who works hard and thinks I have no driving capabilitites. She also loves doctor who.... We get along great! :D
Whether I stay in Rowlett one more transfer or not, I will be having a address change at the end of the month, as they are moving us to appartments... whoo.... 
I haven't told anyone to add Jacob on facebook, so I have no idea who those random girls are. Are they from Texas? However, speaking of girls, SHE got back from Italy last night, and she will be heading to Utah this weekend. ;) 
I LOVE stingrays, they are soooooo cool! I wish I could go to an aquarium....
Hmmmm, Ok, my computer is being a little funky, so I may have to cut this email short today.
Also, with the next package, could you send a few stamps? (And a letter from grant??)I was going to buy some stamps today, but the line at the post office was like a mile and a half long, so I just gave up.
 Megan Du is going to get baptized soon, not quite sure when, because she wants her friend from Houston to do it, so we have to figure out his schedual, but she will. and she is super excited. Also, I love her. She is amazing.  best investigator ever. This week  I am memorizing Alma 29:10. It really describes the feelings of my heart as a missionary.
Offically, frustrated with the computer now.
Have a great day, I love you LOTSSSS!!!!!! <3 <3 <3
~Sister Sanders

Called to serve

Wasn't that broadcast great? I can't wait until they get facebook set up for our mission! I KNOW how to find people online! haha! I've been doing missionary work on the internet since the runescape days........... I think it's splendid! Plus I'm super lazy (we all know that) and would much rather do missionary work in an air conditioned room than on a bike.... but as luck would have it, I'm still in a car for at least 6 more weeks... watch them switch me over right at the front of August.... the hottest month of the year. Oh heavens...
Pageant sounds crazy. Mary used to be blond several years ago. I thought it was weird that they changed her to brown. Have they got her new clothes yet? Her old costumes are pretty nasty...
Allyson writes me about every other week, so I'm well aware that she is doing well. :) Thanks for the update though! I'm not happy with A'leese. She said that she would write me "every week" and send me stuff and whatnot. I haven't heard ONE WORD from her. I expected Diana to be getting married last August, so it's about time! Is it still the same boy that she kept holding hands with last year?
I knew the parable of the Mule (It's pretty common...) But it is a great one, isn't it?
Districts are larger than areas.
Here's the breakdown:
Area: The smallest unit of boundaires. Each area has one companionship (per language, if avaliable, example our area has us and the Spanish Elders.)
District: A group of 3-5 areas (Usually divided by language, so our District is all English,  and there is an all spanish district that covers similar boundaries to ours.) Our District has the Rowlett 1 Area (Our area) The Rowlett 2, Heath, Forney, and Rockwall Areas.
Zone: A group of 3-9 Districts
Multi-Zone: A group of Zones (duh)
Mission: Duh.
We work as closely with the Hermanas and the Spanish Elders as we do with the other Missionaries in our district. We often meet people at walmart, or whatever that do not live in our boundaries, or we meet people that speak spanish... We always just forward ayone who is interested to the person who is able to teach them best. We also do service with the Hermanas and Elders sometimes too. Those are great questions though! It's something I don't really think of very often, cuz it's kind of the Norm here, but I guess that real life people like ya'll probably wouldn't understand. ;)
The 12 week program is the training program that new missionaries need to do for the first 12 weeks of their mission. It's an extra hour of companionship study, and you need to do a bunch of things every week. It's like what I needed to do online before I went to the MTC, only out of a book instead of online.

Oh yeah! That reminds me of something else, Transfer calls came this week. I am staying in Rowlett..... (FOREVER) but Sister Otto will be leaving. I have been branded as a one-transfer companion. :( My new companion is Sister Christopherson. She's cool. She likes Dr. Who, and she used to work at Joanns.
I think that's it...
Love ya'll! BYEE~~
~Sister Sanders

Dear President,
I don't even know what to say anymore. This week was as crazy as three wombats in a bucket. We recieved around 15 referalls over the course of two days, and we have been working like crazy to contact them all, but each time we contact one, we get two more. I guess the Lord decided it was finally time to give us the miracles we've been working for all transfer. On top of the referalls we saw many more miracles.
We followed up with the guy that we went "cookie tracting" into. At the time we met him, we didn't say anything about the church, we just gave him the cookies and "blessed" him to have a nice day. This last week, we were returning to have dinner with his neighbors who are members in our ward, and they told us that after we had given him the cookies he came over and told them that he was dying of cancer, and that he had been depressed, but our stopping by "made his day." He was so happy to know that people cared about him, even if they didn't really know them. He said he knew from our name tags that we belong to the same church as this neighboring family, and he wanted them to tell him what they believed. We were extatic to hear this information, so we went over and talked to him again after dinner. He said he was really busy then, but we were welcome to swing by anytime we are in the neighborhood.
Next miracle? Her name is Megan. She was a media referal, but we were not super extatic to receive it, because it said "Call first, DO NOT COME OVER." But, we knew it couldn't hurt anything to call, so we did. We called and asked when we could come over, and she said that we couldn't, but she said she wanted to visit our church on Sunday, we gave her the time and the place and that was it. We doubted whether or not she would actually come, but believe it or not, half an hour before church, she called us and said "I'm wearing a salmon dress and a pink cardigan, where are you?" We sat with her in the lobby and asked a few quick, get to know you questions, and she went through all of church with us. She introduced HERSELF to members, and asked when she could start taking the lessons. She's... basically the dream referall. She is so perfect and prepared! We plan on teaching her the message of the restoration this week, and inviting her to be baptised.
Another splendid end-of-transfer miracle, Brother Norton Diazed finally joined our church through baptism! One year from now he will be able to be sealed to his wife, who has been praying for this miracle since the day they met. But even more insanely wonderful than that-- before the baptism, we met with his wife, Sister Diaz, and we asked her to call or visit and personally invite another Part Member family in the ward; the Maxon family. Brother and Sister Maxon have been married for about 2 years, and you would never know that Brother Maxon wasn't a member. He comes to church EVERY Sunday, apparently, it was one of the conditions they established before she would agree to marry him. But, he's devoted Catholic. We have met with him numerous times, pleading him to take the lessons, but he's always replied with "I have my religion, and you have yours. I only come to support my wife, I do not believe the things you teach." Despite "not believing" they showed up at the baptism. He was one of two non-members there (The other being a relative of Norton's, who dashed before we could pounce on her after the baptism.) Sister Otto expressed mild disappoinment afterwards when we texted Sister Durrant with our number. I responed with; "It's not that bad. At my last baptism, we only had one non-member... BUT, he got baptized today. Expect miracles. 7 weeks from now, Brother Maxon could get baptized!" She then laughed, knowing Brother Maxon's attitude towards the church. Unbeknownst to us, at that same time, Brother Maxon was confessing to his wife that he felt something (the spirit!) and he wanted to take the missionary discussions!!! The told us this yesterday at church, and I about died of shock!
There are many many more minor miracles that we have seen this week, but alas, the clock is fighting against me. For now, I just want to thank you for all that you have done in inviting us to be more obedient. I know that obedience is a test of faith, and as you excersize your faith, you will see miracles. They may take time, but you will see them.
I'm going to miss Sister Otto, expecially after this fantastic week we've had together.... but I know even greater things await with Sister Christopherson!
~Sister Sanders