Monday, August 5, 2013

6 Months who gets transferred?

It was me. I'm going to Melissa. Which I'm told has the more authentic Texas experience that I was hoping for-- hilbilly country. I'm actually opening the area. Apparently, a while back they had to close the area, and emergency transfer everyone out. I've been told that the Elders "left a mess that only Sisters could clean up." Not sure what that means, but I'll find out tomorrow morning! I have my address already, but I wrote it down on a sticky note.... and long story short, I'll just write you so you know what it is and can update everyone on how to reach me. :)
A member in our ward tried out the Cupcake Recipe as a goodbye gift to me. They were the best. Ever. So good. and we have left over frosting. (yum)
I wish Dad cared about us just a little bit more. He's said one sentence to me my whole mission, and I've been trying to reach out to him.
I just don't understand him.
I'm glad to hear that Desiree is doing good! I love her. :) She really is such a fun girl! And that's pretty sweet of Elise Guzman to send a hello. If you see her again, tell her Hi back for me. :D
How does Holly Bishop have time to make Chocolate Chip Cookies? I don't have time to make Ramen!
The Lord is definately caring for me this week. Everything I have had need of, he's given me, and I've found so may new and wonderful friends, I'm not sure how I am going to be able to leave! I had a list of things I wanted to tell you about, but I cannot remember where I put it. (Probably with my address...) So, I'll probably write another letter or something....
Hmmm. :/ Yeah, I can't think of anything.
Hope things get better for y'all.
Love ya.

<3/ Sis. Sanders

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