I sent a couple of pictures that were taken this week of me. The first one (The one with the Texas Flag) is my district for this transfer. We had just held a district awards ceremony. I was elected "Most likely to publish the Action Book of Mormon" -- Basically a comic book version of the BOM, and Sister Otto was voted most likely to be amputated by her companion. Apparently I'm dangerous to be around. ;)
The other picture is a picture of all the Rowlett Missionaries. Me and Sister Otto, The Elders, The Hermanas, and the Spanish Elders. It was Elder Sorrenson (English, our DL) and Elder.... (I can never remember his name... He's spanish) Miller's 18 Month-iversary, so we went out to celebrate.
Yesterday was super wierd. We actually celebrated father's day with a family in our ward. I kept forgetting all day that it was even a holiday... We ran into David D, a member we were working with in the second ward, and he was super depressed, because it was his first father's day with a child, and he was all alone. It made me kinda sad. I also got stung yesterday, by some type of bee (but there are like 50 types here, so we don't know exactly what it was. My entire arm swelled up and I lost function of it. Good thing I've practiced being useless. Today I can use it, but it hurst like.... mean words.
We hit a BUNCH of great yard-sales this week, which is a blessing. (It turns out that not everyone we live with knows how to do laundry-- I now have only one white bra, the rest are pink, and a bunch of my clothes shrunk...) We found one yardsale like the great one you hit last week--- ALL WAS FREE!! :D we got a bunch of cute -fitting- clothes and some aligators to keep on our dashboard. And a cat calandar, can't forget that. It's obvious that God want's us to be happy. ;)
Speaking of which, I have someone on the prowl for that Garlic cupcake recipe.
We tried the flea collars, and they didn't seem to do much.....
Out of time, gotta go now, love ya! BYE!!~~
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